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2004 Laskiainen,
Palo Minnesota

Photos © 2004 by Tim Winker

Laskianen history in the museum (Text of the posters is just below the photos).

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1 - Spinning

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2 - Weaving loom

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3 - Kropsua

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4 - Sliding diorama

1 - SPINNING: Finnish Shrovetide (Laskiainen) customs are various and belong to different layers of history. Besides being a celebration of the beginning of Lent, it also is the beginning of the light season - a Spring festival. With anticipation of Spring, one's thoughts turned to planting of crops. Laskiainen (Shrovetide) is the flax festival. (The object of coasting downhill on a tobaggon on Shrove Tuesday was to help the crops, especially the flax). The farther you could go with the tobaggon, the longer the flax. The household that slide long slides down the slopes first would grow the best and longest flax. Shrovetide was also the end of the spinning season. Spinning was forbidden during Lent. Spinning wheels had to be cleaned and put away and covered as an indicator that spinning was over for that winter.

2 - WEAVING LOOM: After Shrove Tuesday (Laskiainen) the weaving loom could be set up and weaving begun. Shrovetide was part of Spring and one must start thinking of Summer.

3 - KROPSUA: In South Ostrobothnia, Kropsua (an oven pancake) was common. Eating of pancakes is a Shrovetide custom in Scandinavia, Central Europe and England. In England Shrove Tuesday is Pancake Day.

4 - SLIDING DIORAMA: Shrovetide Cries: As tobaggons would fly down the slides, the participants would shout rhymes as they would be going. Each area seemed to have their own special cry with wishes for the success of crops - flax or turnips, peas, cabbages and potatoes.

Sliding on the iced runs.

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Sleigh rides and antique snowmobiles, Mojakka for lunch, Finnish goods and handmade crafts.

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Beautiful weather for a sleigh ride
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Patrick and Luke
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Early Arctic Cat and Ski-Doos
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Johnson with Wankel engine
Serving mojakka
Serving Mojakka
Eating mojakka
Eating Mojakka
Flatbread and Pulla
Selling Flatbread and Pulla
Perherons taking a break
Products from Finland
Duane Bottila
Diamond Willow Walking Sticks
More handmade crafts
More woodland crafts
One more time
One last ride down the hill

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